Utility Construction
Bioretention Basins Installation and Maintenance –
Bioretention Basins perform a crucial role of cleansing water run off from roads and parking lots of contaminants before they reach the main stormwater system. This is achieved by filtering through multiple drainage layers. The clean water is then picked up by subgrade drainage lines and directed into the stormwater system.
Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance System Installation (RSC) –
A Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance (RSC) is a step pool stormwater channel designed to reduce transportation of sediment and nutrients downstream while also providing habitat diversity in the installation area. CWC’s expertise in RSC installation has become a cornerstone of our work with local municipalities.
Stream Restoration and Bank Stabilization –
Stream Restoration and Bank Stabilization are two practices that go hand in hand. Streambank Restoration is the practice of stabilizing and/or altering a stream channel to slow and direct the flow of water to reduce erosion and flooding. Soil encapsulated lifts, hard armoring with stone, and root wad revetments are a few but not all of the specific ways to perform Bank Stabilization.
Navigable Riverbank Restoration –
Navigable Riverbank Restoration products share many practices with Stream Bank Restorations including soil encapsulated lifts and hard armoring with stone.
Urban Stormwater Swales (Grass Swale, Infiltration Swale, Bio-Swale, Wet-Swale) –
Various grass swale designs that are generally installed in accordance with aesthetic and ecological diversity needs. They all are designed to reduce pollutant and stormwater runoff volume while enhancing infiltration and providing modest filtration of the stormwater they convey.
Stormwater and Submerged Gravel Wetlands –
Stormwater and Submerged Gravel wetlands are both stormwater controls which incorporate areas of shallow water and vegetation in order to remove pollutants through settling and biological uptake.